How to melt gold into bars?

Posted By: Unknown - 06:37


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How to melt gold into bars?

1. Get your scrap gold material. Make sure you're working with real gold! See How to Tell if Gold Is Real.

2. Place in crucible. Since gold melts at almost 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, you need a container that won't melt before the gold does. If you don't have a crucible, you can purchase a graphite crucible online for around $10. Put the crucible in a fireproof area.
Melt Gold Step 

3. Wear welder's goggles. Do not wear loose clothing. Do not wear flammable clothing.

4. Using crucible tongs, carefully pour the molten gold into ingot mold or other shape. The mold should be made from similar material as the crucible. Or, place in a bucket of water if making gold shot. Melt Gold Step 

5. Wait for the gold piece to cool completely before handling.

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